Mental Health for Dentists: How to avoid burnout

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Dr Peter Norton - Host

Peter graduated from the University of Adelaide in 2004. He works in private practice in rural and metropolitan New South Wales, with particular interest in preventive and restorative dentistry. Peter is a regular host, interviewer and moderator for digital CPD events, and is a Clinical Media Advisor and Committee Consultant to the Australian Dental Association.

Elle Brown - Senior Clinician, Dental Practitioner Support Service

Elle Brown is a Senior Clinician who works on Dental Practitioner Support. She has been practicing as a registered nurse for over 34 years and has been supporting callers on Dental Practitioner Support since it commenced. She helped develop the clinical approach for the support service and provides feedback on caller themes to help with understanding the service and its audience. She has deep experience in, and passion for, supporting health professionals with their own wellbeing.  Elle will be able to provide great insights to support the audience with their current stressors, and she’s able to unpack the issues in regard to mental health.

A/Prof. Matt Hopcraft - CEO ADAVB

With more than 25 years in the dental industry, Matt is a recognised leader and expert in dental public health and advocacy. As a dentist he has worked in the Army, private and public dental practices, and then as an academic at The University of Melbourne. He co-founded SugarFree Smiles to advocate for measures to improve oral health in the community. He is an experienced speaker and media performer, and a strong advocate for healthy eating. He is currently the CEO of the Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch.

Dr Kaejenn Tchia - Dentist

Kaejenn works with the ADA NT Branch as Treasurer and sits on multiple ADA Federal subcommittees including the Oral Health Working Group and Recent Graduates Advisory Panel. This year he was selected by Colgate to join their Advocates for Oral Health Editorial Community which aims to educate, encourage and support young oral health professionals in their career development. 
