Get prepared: Improving your practice’s cybersecurity resilience

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Dr Peter Norton BDS (Adel)

Peter graduated from the University of Adelaide in 2004. He works in private practice in rural and metropolitan New South Wales, with particular interest in preventive and restorative dentistry. Peter is a regular host, interviewer and moderator for digital CPD events, and is a Clinical Media Advisor and Committee Consultant to the Australian Dental Association.

Chris Haigh

Chris is a Cybersecurity expert and leader with over 20 years’ experience in helping businesses manage their cybersecurity risk across Australia, Europe, USA and South Africa. He has been with Mercury IT for over ten years and as Chief Information Security Officer, Chris is responsible for monitoring all internal and external cybersecurity risks.

Martin O'Riordan

As General Manager, Martin is responsible for providing support to all departments within Mercury IT. He comes from an extensive background spanning 20 years in executive management and leadership roles, so he is well equipped to lead our large team.
